In my quest to “grow” dirt in Fl. I have actively composted for quite some time. I sometimes become impatient with my compost and use it sooner than I should. What results are “mystery plants” which sometimes just sprout randomly. I have discovered the seeds of hybrid melons sometimes produce baseball sized melons which have a faint taste of banana in addition to the musk melon. I have begun to save seed and am actually propagating from those seeds now.
I have had several crops of pineapples grown from discarded pineapple tops. The fruit is much sweeter than that from the original pineapple and is free. I’ve actually been so bold as to ask people in the grocery line if they planned on using their crown as either decoration or to plant themselves. When they indicate they have no use for it I ask if they mind if I pop it off to plant. Many are willing and actually grateful to not have to deal with it. The plants can actually be grown in a green house or a safe corner of your house and will produce fruit in a couple years. If you have friends with strawberry patches ask if you can stick small pots of dirt under a few runners. Last year I bought pots of “dead” strawberries at Home Depot for a quarter a pot. I watered them and now have tons of strawberries. Always ask if there is either a mark down rack or a discard rack/ bin you can go through. As others have indicated, swap with neighbors when possible. If you are starting plants sow a few extra in starter pots and give them to someone nearby. They will often do the same.
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