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Re: Hand lotion for hands


    I have chronically dry, dry hands, and I have to admit that I’m a smoker and go outside about ten times a day in the winter to smoke, but still, every year I experiment with at least 2 or 3 new brands and nothing seems to give me silky soft hands.  I try B & Body Works, Crabtree & Evelyn (because I like to go ‘natural’ on most things), and this year I even threw in the towel and just bought a $6 bottle of Olay hand lotion.  Things work for a while, and then they somehow stop working.  The only slightly helpful thing I’ve found is to exfoliate my hands with any kind of scrub as often as I remember (about once a week).  
    Does anyone use those overnight gloves with a particular lotion, and is it effective?  I don’t use Vaseline because I”m pretty sure it is a toxin.  
    Also, I drink water constantly all day long, so I know that’s not the problem.  
    Any help?

    Forgot to mention — I’m going very “green” these days, and I am starting to think that the overall quality of my skin has to do not just with smoking but with the soaps/body washes I use.  It’s amazing how even the ‘good’/’natural’ brands can have all sorts of toxins that will easily absorb into your skin.  I’m switching to Dr. Bronner’s as soon as I receive my order, because it is a certified USDA Organic brand.