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Re: Re: Anyone know a good way to clean cast-iron?


    It's the simplest thing in the world.  Treat your cast iron with a bit of love and it will love you.  it's all i cook in and all i bake in, with the exception of boiling water for coffee, so i'm the cast iron expert.

    rub oil or crisco all over the vessell, inside and out.

    generously sprinkle on salt

    ]use an old rag to scrub it well

    ]stick the vessel in a hot fire — a hibachi or outdoor cooker is best.  let it bake for about an hour.  if you don't have access to such, use a super hot oven.  bake about an hour and expect smoke.  ventilate well.

    ]finally NEVER NEVER NEVER use soap or detergent on your cast iron.  ONLY boiling water, oil and salt.  NEVER let your vessels stand with food or water.  they must be kept dry at all times.