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Re: Re: cat urninating


    We have just started to have problems with one of our older cats…. just decided to start “going”  on our loveseat… I had to remove all the padding because it stunk… once I got rid of that I placed clean pads down and he continues to do it… even caught the little devil on tape, of course he does it at 2:30am… arrrrrghhh….

    Nature’s Miracle they say should remove any lingering smells… although they say to use only the Nature’s Miracle and use it first because other soaps and deoderants can netralize the chemicals…

    Hmmm Spray bottles and foil….

    Well spray bottles work great IF…. IF that is… you catch them in the act… otherwise they have no idea what they are being punished for…

    Foil… sounds like a good idea… but… in my experience this just moves the cat to a new location and even more stinky furnature or carpeting…

    Our local vet says sometime Cats will urinate in different places when they don’t feel well…

    I the case of it “going” in the same place over and over I think it a behavoir think… there must be a enviormental stimulous… but like me.. we have yet to find it…