January 13, 2004 at 3:06 am
My basic recipe for stew is:
Stew Meat 1/2 lb.-1lb.
Cut potatoes (6 medium size) Ý
2 large carrots
1 large onion
Oregano Ý1/2 t Ý[can’t get it to type correctly another word comes out instead, tea sthingy] Ý
1/2 t salt (more if you like salt)
green beans (1 16oz. cans worth or 2 handfuls fresh/frozen)
1-3 minced piece(s) of garlic if you want
2-3 cups of water
2-3 bouillon cubes or beef broth (Subtitute for the water)
Put all ingredients in a large crock pot. (For small ones cut down on your ingredients.) ÝCook on low 6-8 hours. ÝServe with a salad and you have a healthy good meal.