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Re: Re: Fly Away Hair


    Washing DRY hair:
    I have very dry hair and have a formula that has worked great for me for many years. Every other time I “Wash” my hair I don’t use shampoo. I “wash” my hair with conditioner. I comb the conditioner through my hair with a wide tooth comb. Combing it through thoroughly is key! Leaving it in while you shower or bath and then doing it again if it’s really dirty. You wouldn’t think so, but this not only gets rid of grease, but hairspray build up etc. Try it, Give your hair a break, your hair will thank you!
    Also: for fly Away hair a great tip:
    Use a Dryer fabric softener sheet. Just rub it lightly down your locks, when hair is dry, before of after styling. You can also add 1 teaspoon of liquid fabric softener to your favorite hair conditioner. This will stop fly always, because these products are made to stop static cling.

    *** 2 GREAT products, I can’t live without. Use either frizz-eze or Cirti-Shine serum, they have a silicone/dimethlicone type product. I couldn’t live without these products on my hair. First I wash & towel dry it, then spray on Infusum 23 leave in hair treatment, Comb through, then apply about a dime size bit of the frizz-eze to your palms and rub hands together, then rub through hair ends. Comb through again, & let dry or blow dry. My hair is very naturally curly and my 27 year old daughter’s hair is bone straight. These products work great for both of us!