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Re: Re: Holiday Gift Exchange??


    I have a very large family. At first my brothers and sisters and I used to do a grab bag, but then it’s migrated into something totally different.

    The first things is that we all started giving homemade goodie bags. One bag per family. (My Mom plus six brothers and sisters.) For instance, in the bag I give to each family member I have a loaf of zucchini bread, cookies, homemade truffles and Christmas ornaments my two year old made from pine cones. I also have small packages of marigold seeds (third generation) that were harvested from my garden.

    The second thing is that we still do a grab bag but the gifts also have to be homemade. Some of us knit or crochet, some are carpenters — everyone has a talent. Each year the most amazing things are made!

    I still have lots of nieces and nephews to buy for, but I try and make things when I can. For instance, I made my teenage nieces ponchos this year.

    I hope this helps. If you must do a gift exchange, maybe you can do a baked goods, or a homemade gift exchange?
