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Re: Re: How to remove old wallpaper


    You must first use a wallpaper tool to score the vinyl. This is available at Walmart and home improvement or paint stores. It is simply held in one hand and run over the top of the wallpaper you want to remove. Don’t press too hard, just let the tool do the the work. It resembles a half of an orange shape and it red. Tiger wallpaper removal tool. About $10. After the paper is scored with hundreds of holes, use either a wallpaper steamer (the easiest way and so worth the money) to seperate the vinyl from the paper backing. Peel all that off first and then simply go back and wet the paper on the wall with water. I use my garden hose end sprayer and that works fast. DON’T use downy. Downy is a pertroleum product that will leave a greasy residue. This will inferfere with your painting later on. Use a good cleaner to remove the left over glue on the walls and plenty of HOT water and lots of elbow grease. If the walls were not sized before paper went up, you will have much spackling to do. Be sure not to hold the wallpaper steamer on the walls to long, as it will blister the paint underneath. Just long enough to seperate the vinyl from the paper backing. GOOD LUCK!