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Re: Re: Keep my car or trade it in?


    Being a car hobbyist to say the least, I would say ditch whichever one has the 100,000 miles and go for a new car this August or September. Most car companines (depending on the label) want to get rid of their new old stock around the fall season as a steady line of the new ones come rolling in. Cars also tend to break down in cycles, where 100,000 is a major cycle of work that usually needs to be done. This is why extended warraties only last till around 100,000 miles, because they know that is when the serious work needs to be done. You also may want to find a model that is getting a makeover for the 2005 year, so the 2004 models will be at their cheapest, as dealers want what they consider to be an outdated look off the lot. Our family bought a 2001 Camry in late August just as the newly redesigned 2002s were coming out. Its a great way to get a good deal.  ;D