From my experience (Mom of 3 girls, ages 6, 3 1/2, and 2), I think she’s too young. Right now, my 2 year old is still in a crib, my 3.5 year old just went into a “real” toddler bed when we moved last week, and the 6 year old is in a twin bed. For the 6 year old & 3.5 year old, I had a crib that converts (one side comes off) into a toddler bed. You might consider getting one of these. It was an easy transition. It’s still their bed (I kept the bumper pad on for awhile too) but it starts getting them use to a real bed. I didn’t take the side off for either girl until they were around 2.5 years old. Some even convert to a headboard for a full or twin bed as well. The 6 year old went from that to a twin bed w/ those portable rails attached then we finally removed them. The 3.5 year old got up a lot when we took the side off her crib (at 30 months) but we just kept putting her back to bed & she finally settled. Personally, I think they sleep better in a crib & there’s really no need to take them out until naptime potty training starts. Good luck and hope you all start getting some good sleep!
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