:)Re: Woodstoves for heating. Before you start to set up for a woodstove, find out about house insurance with a woodstove. Insurance companies are wary of woodstoves. If you find a company to insure you, do everything you can to install the woodstove according to the specifications. Call an insurance agent and find out all you can before you do anything. We heat with a wood furnace that is attached to our furnace heating system. In our part of the country it is cold in winter and that heat is much more enjoyable and comfortable than just the LP. Our stove is in the basement so it is on a noncombustible floor and the area around the stove is concrete block. The insurance agent liked our setup. My husband also cleans our chimney twice yearly and as needed. You need to burn wood which is dry so that the wood does not create as much creosote in the chimney. It also burns better and more evenly when it is dry. We like our stove setup for convenience and the basement is not our main living area so we don’t have the ash and wood debris brought into the living area. My brother had an airtight stove in his LR, This stove burned only a small amount of wood and could heat a 4 bedroom home.Loading the stove with wood usually produced heat for 8-10 hrs. That stove also did not produce much ash. I would definitely look into airtight stoves if I were getting another stove. You will definitely enjoy the warmth of wood heat. It is work, but cutting wood can be and should be done early. We try to cut wood a year before we plan to use it. Then it is split and stacked ready to use. One good way to get wood that is already dried, is to cut the tops of trees left after logging. Usually that wood is smaller in size than a whole tree and only needs to be cut. ANd you can cut in a timber like that for a long time without running out of wood. Hope this helps and you start enjoying the warmth of wood heat.
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