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The Frugal Life – Living Well With What You Have

The Frugal Life Newsletter

The Frugal Life
November 1, 2001
122nd issue

o The Frugal Life* (TFL) is published every
Thursday by, Keren Wells, publisher.
TFL is intended for subscribers only.
To subscribe, unsubscribe, or, change your
subscriber data, see the instructions at
the very end of the newsletter.

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o A Note From Keren
o Groceries  –by Gary Foreman
o Lessons from My Journey to Debt Freedom –by Greg Moore, CFISL
o How to Reduce Crime in your Neighborhood –by Carl Ellis
o Readers Needs
o Last Weeks Readers Needs
o Readers Tips
o Disclaimer
o Subscription info


A Note from Keren
As you may know we moved to another state this past summer, well I am
happy to tell you that finally found my way around and now I know the best
place to buy groceries… you can not imagine how happy I am to find good
prices for groceries.  I am sure you know how important it is to get good
prices for groceries, if one is not careful a good part of the paycheck
can go to our local grocery store.  Having that in mind, I would like to
include a new section in the newsletter:  “Favorite Recipes”.  If you have
a favorite recipe and would like to share it with our frugal friends, send it to editor   Starting next week, I will include one
recipe and you’ll be able to check other recipes linking to the website.

In last week’s newsletter I requested suggestions on ideas for activities
for toddlers, you can read them here
If you are interested on reading last week’s article from B.G. Markstad
you can go to here
It seems I included the wrong link to such article.

Well, I wish everyone a productive and blessed week!!


Keren Wells

Dear Dollar Stretcher,
My family is really struggling with our budget.  We are a family of five
spending approximately $500 per month on groceries and household items.
you think we could do better?  I use coupons, buy only generic and sale
items at the local grocery store.  What else can I do?!  Would I save more
money or get more for my money if I shopped at the big warehouses like

According to the U.S. Statistical Abstract the average large family
(five or more) spent $405 per month on food eaten at home. Pam and her
family probably are a bit on the high side. So what can she do to reduce
the amount she contributes to her local grocery store?
The first thing to consider is the non-food items that end up our
grocery carts. Most of us are in the habit of picking up cleaning supplies
and paper products when we grocery shop. And that’s a good way to boost
your bill.

To read the article go to:

Lessons from My Journey to Debt Freedom –by Greg Moore, CFISL

            They Got Laws Against That Sort of Thing

Whenever I teach my 3-hour Debt Freedom seminar, invariably some
participants share stories about friends or family who have had
unpleasant interactions with debt collectors…

     Foul language…



     Phone calls at odd hours…

No one disputes that the debts are owed, but is this kind of
personal attack permissible?

Nope. Not under U.S. Federal Law…

             “Fair Debt Collection Practices Act”

In 1977, the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act was passed to
protect consumers from unscrupulous collection activity sometimes
practiced during the course of collecting on debt.

To read the article go to:


While we don’t like to talk about it – or even think about it – crime is
on the increase in America, and throughout the world. The number of
burglars, muggers, auto thieves, robbers, purse snatchers, rapist, etc. is
growing at an alarming rate. Now you, as a resident, working with
neighbors can help reduce the crime rate.

How? By organizing and/or joining a neighborhood program in which you and
your neighbors get together to learn how to protect yourselves, your
families, your homes, and your property. Working together, you can get the
criminals off your block and out of your area.

There’s safety in numbers and power through working with a group. You’ll
get to know your neighbors better, and working with them you can reduce
crime, develop a more united commmunity, provide an avenue of
communications between police and citizens, establish on-going crime
prevention techniques in your neighborhood, and renew citizen interest in
community activity.

“Citizen Safety Projects” are set up to help you do this. It is a joint
effort between private citizens and local police. Such programs have been
started all over the country. Maybe one already exists in your community.

To read the article go to:


Readers Needs
Q. I love your newsletter & was wondering if anyone knew of a way to make
“homemade” distilled water from tap water.  Possibly boil, then strain
through a coffee filter?  We have hard water & must use distilled in our
humidifier.  Any hints will be appreciated!!!  Thanks, LCR
Send your answers to editor

Every year about this time we get ladybugs coming in our closed windows on the sunny side of the house in the midafternoon. They don’t really do any harm, but I end up with dead ladybugs all over the window ledges, floor and live ones crawling on the ceiling (probably around
100 bugs total each day).  I would rather my 1 yr old twins not eat dead ladybugs off the floor before I can get to them with the vacuum (the twins’ room is on that side of the house.)  Do your readers know of any way to keep them outside where they can do some good?
Thanks, Betsy

Send your answers to
Last Weeks Readers Needs

o Is there a cheap way to get rid of ants. I seem to be having the problem
several times a year. I just came in from work and the table and counter
were full of little black and I need something that wont smell. I have a
problem and just about any smell makes me sick. I try to keep the table
and counter cleaned off but with 2 teenagers and a husband I have a hard time.
Thanks for any help,

Read the answers at
Readers Tips

o When cleaning out litter boxes with a pooper scooper, put the waste in
bread sacks that you’ve saved after the bread is gone.  We make two bags
from each sack by tying the sack off in the middle with its own twist tie
and then cutting the sack right next to the tie on the side that does not
open at the end – those bread sacks go further that way.  When you clean
the litter box daily, there’s plenty of room to tie off the bag in a knot
after you’ve put the kitty’s business inside of it so it won’t smell and
can easily be thrown away.  Tracy in Watauga, TX

o I used to think that kitty litter would be a good thing to throw on a
fire. However, in a Red Cross class I took the instructor said that some
litter contained chemicals that were flammable. So, it might not be a
good idea to use kitty litter in an ashtray.     Sincerely, Cristina

o Here’s a tip for extending shampoo and cream rinse.  I always add water
cream rinse and shampoo.  I find it is easier to use and I also use less. –Bev
Please post your questions/answers to our new bulletin board. You can find directions here.


+ DISCLAIMER – Information in TFL has accurate and reliable. In no
event shall *The Frugal Life,* Keren Wells, or the
TFL staff be liable for any damages whatsoever
resulting from any action arising in connection with
the use of information herein.

TFL does not knowingly accept ads from advertisers
deemed detrimental to TFL’s readers, however,
publication of an ad in TFL does not constitute an
endorsement for such product or service.

There is no remuneration for suggestions, tips, or
ideas submitted by readers, other than occasional
prizes offered by TFL and awarded at the
sole discretion of TFL and it’s staff.

All suggestions, tips, and ideas, submitted for
publication in The Frugal Life, become the property
of The Frugal Life, notwithstanding similar rights
of the reader submitting such suggestions, tips, or

TFL publishes readers name with their suggestions,
tips, and ideas unless a reader requests otherwise
at the time of the submission.

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