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The Frugal Life – Living Well With What You Have

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It’s the time of year children are exposed to all kinds of germs and
viruses. If you haven’t noticed not every child gets sick! We kept our son
well amidst all the colds and flu. One of our favorites is VS-C viruses.
For a chewable we used Elderberry Plus. Limiting sugar will make a big
difference for the immune system also! Read more about why herbs work.
Keep your children well for school and the holidays.
VS-C: href=” “>
Elderberry: href=” “>



Published Weekly by Randal Watkins

September 17, 2002


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PLEASE NOTE: Due to the large volume of email we receive
from The Frugal Life site and response from the more than
15,700 subscribers, we cannot reply to your questions and
suggestions, but we will try to post all of them as time and
space permits within the context of this newsletter. This is
a caring and sharing newsletter, so feel free to participate.



Why the Ezine is Late!
Temporary Links

Deer-Resistant Garden Designs

Simplify The Holidays







Hello Everyone,

This issue is late because I went to a funeral for my Uncle back in
Oklahoma. He was 90 years old and his health had been going down.
Nevertheless, you always hate to see them go.

I found out last Monday afternoon (the 9th). I went to bed that night at 12:30AM and got up at 3:30 AM to catch an early flight. I forgot to mention that we had just come back from our annual convention with Nature’s Sunshine in Nashville where we had been since the Tuesday before (the 3rd). Needless to say, it was very hectic getting everything ready for me to be gone for 6 days after being gone nearly a week. I got home last night from Oklahoma City at 1:35 AM and I have been trying to catch up ever since.

I received the following email and I wanted all of you to see the answer. Just in case more of you are having the same dilemna.



I wanted to read the article on water bill savings in this issue, but the “page not found” message comes up whenever I click on the link. Also tried to access it from the actual web site with a search for “waterbill” but couldn’t find it there either. Any way you can resend it out in the next issue or two? – Tracy

Tracy, thanks for your interest in the water bill article. The links given before were only temporary. Now that we have a new website space the permanent link will be


Note: Before the above address was from now on if you see the /thefrugallife/ in the address it can be removed. I will be updating the site soon to have all the links changed.

Until next time!




Free garden designs for your use. You can take these designs and adapt them for your own landscape design. For each design, we discuss the design principles used and why each plant was selected. Each of these garden designs uses deer resistant plants. (1) Plantings around a mailbox, (2) A garden “wall” to block the view of a road, (3) A garden wall providing more interest to a rock wall and is to replace grass that died in last year’s drought with drought resistant plants, and (4) a rose garden with plants and techniques that will slow the deer down.

Make your efforts count with tried and true methods for discouraging deer in the garden. Links to plants, vines, ground covers, and trees that deer don’t like.


Editor’s Note: Holidays will soon be on us and I thought it appropriate to provide a resource that may help you to simplify and enjoy all the holidays more than ever before.


Search for ways to celebrate the Christmas season with less commercialization and more joy. With homemade and no-cost gift ideas.

FRUGAL TIPS – From Our Subscribers

Regarding the Skunk Odor – Another remedy that works is to use massengil medicated douche-unscented..sounds wierd but it works…jsut make sure it is not the one with iodine in it..i have had people tell me they sed the vinegar and water one but i have not had any success with that. i just visited your new website and it looks great! Thank you for all that you do – Sara

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We’ve got it now! Flint River Ranch natural pet foods! We’ve been using natural pet foods since 1978. What they use in pet foods these days is disgusting! Want to know what’s in those “premium” pet foods? We always recommend natural food for a healthy pet, so now we’ve chosen a brand that passes our high standards. Oven-baked and loaded with good ingredients. Check it out now!


Q. Does anyone have any idea how to get a fabric softener stain out of a cream colored cotton/poly dress? i was carrying an open cup of it, and my labrador jumped on me! i rinsed it in cold water immediately, and then laundered it, but there’s a definite stain now.

Q. Every year we have a dilema during the holidays who will host what dinner and who will go to what dinner. Parents, inlaws, brothers and sisters etc… we have lots and lots of family nearby and the count is growing.

This year my sister wants to host Thanksgiving dinner and include everyone at her house this way, she won’t have to decline anyone or have to appear at more than one family function. She has the space, but considering the cost in dollars and time, she suggested a Potluck dinner. We are looking for suggestions on how to invite people and suggest what they should bring (so we dont have all salad or all dessert). She says she will make the turkey.. We are also looking for suggestions on how to do this with minimal cost. (decorations, invitations etc.) The Frugal Life readers are always so clever, I’m hoping for some good ideas. Thanks, Your loyal reader – Stacy

Q. i would like to plant garlic for next year. i don’t know anything about it, can anyone help.

Please post your questions/answers to our new bulletin board. You can find directions here.


Q. Regarding the weeds, thanks for the tip. I have questions: Will it also kill the grass? What about planting in the soil after it’s use, how long should I wait for it dissipate? – Jean

A. Regarding the NATURAL WEED KILLER tip, add some water and liquid dish soap to the vinegar – shake well before spraying. The water will extend the use of the mixture for the same effects (i.e., more uses with less vinegar and still kill the weeds). What the dish soap does is make the vinegar mixture stick to the weed longer to make sure it dies. Be sure and spray only the weeds – vinegar kills grass.


Q. This answer is for the questions related to cleaning fabrics submitted last week.

A. I have been using Oxyclean for years. It works great and doesn’t hurt fabric. It is worth a try. – Victoria


Q. I have bamboo in my gully behind my house and it recently cost me a bunch to have it removed. I used vinegar on it trying to get it do die but it all grew back. Does anybody have a solution on how to kill bamboo? – Robin

A. In answer to the lady with the bamboo. I recently moved to the nashville area and the zoo was making all kinds of pleas on the radio and tv if anyone had bamboo they wanted to get rid of call the zoo and they would come and remove it at no cost they need it for some of the animals. this could be a benefit to both of you if you don;t have a zoo try a pet store etc.

A. The only way I know of to get rid of bamboo is to cover the ground with black plastic. Have A great day – MIKE


Q. Does anyone have ideas on how to remove stains and spots of unknown origin from very, very old delicate fabric dresser scarves and tablecloths? They are off white in color, some with colored stitched designs.

A. I collect and use old linens. I especially like the old embroidered pillow cases and dresser scarves. I have found that most stains will come out if you soak them in Oxyclean. If that doesn’t do it I then mix up a weak bleach solution and soak them in that. If nothing works, I pretend it’s my stain and place a vase to cover it. – Linda

A. Finally, the person with the old dresser scarves should soak her scarves in a solution of dishwasher soap and water. It works wonders. I use it to wash my tablecloths. – Maria


Q. How can I get lipstick out of light colored clothes that have gone thru the washer?

A. For the person with the lipstick stain. You could try hairspray, then a wash. Or there is always the pre-treat with a paste made from dishwasher soap and water. – Maria

A. When my daughter was in high school she borrowed my rain coat. When she washed it she forgot about the lipstick in the pocket. It went through the washer and dryer. I used dawn dish soap. Put on all spots and let set awhile. Then wash, you might have to do to this a couple of times.

A. To remove lipstick from any clothing that has been washed (BUT NOT DRIED) simply pour vegetable oil on the stain and rewash. It‚s worked every time for me. – Cristina


Q. Hi, I just wrote in about mold stains on my child’s Polyester Fiber toy, but I think the stain is probably mildew. Does anyone have any suggestions?

A. The lady with the stained toy need only to spray the toy well with lemon juice and allow it to sit in the sun to kill the mildew. – Maria

A. The best thing I ever found for mildew stains came out of one of those old household recipe books. Combine 1 tsp of pure rosemary oil with 1 ounce of pure liquid castille soap in a gallon or two of water. Scrub in with a stiff brush and rinse well. Repeat if needed. I used a Shop Vac to suck the excess waterout. I got a huge nasty black mildew stain out of a beige carpet with this, and it didn’t even effect the color. – Claudia

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Information in The Frugal Life News (TFL) has been derived from sources believed accurate and reliable. In no event shall *The Frugal Life,* Randal Watkins, or the TFL staff be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of information herein.

TFL does not knowingly accept ads from advertisers deemed detrimental to TFL’s readers, however, publication of an ad in TFL does not constitute an endorsement for such product or service.

There is no remuneration for suggestions, tips, or ideas submitted by readers. All suggestions, tips, and ideas, submitted for publication in The Frugal Life, become the property of The Frugal Life, notwithstanding similar rights of the reader submitting such suggestions, tips, or ideas. TFL publishes readers’ names with their suggestions, tips, and ideas unless a reader requests otherwise at the time of the submission.

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