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The Frugal Life – Living Well With What You Have


Archived Message of “The Frugal Life News”
Published by The Frugal

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Research now shows that a high grade of fish oil can help
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Published Weekly by Randal Watkins
The Frugal Life
May 10, 2003

The Frugal Life News is sent to subscribers only. Manage
your subscription here:
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Please note that with over 24,000 subscribers to this newsletter,
we cannot reply to all emails.


Hello Everyone,

I have noticed we are getting new visitors to the bulletin board. I think
that is great and we welcome you to The Frugal Life resources. The more
people making posts the more frugal information that will be available to
all of us.

Just a reminder, we need to also remember to use the resources on the Frugal
Life site before we post our questions. I have noticed many questions that
aren’t taking advantage of the many articles on our actual site. I have
updated the bulletin board instructions page at href=” “>Bulletin Board

Please take a moment to look at it if you are unfamiliar on how to navigate
the site content of The Frugal Life. I will continue to update the page as
different suggestions or issues arise.

Let me know if there is anyway we can improve the bulletin board. We are
only as good as the input we receive.

Please remember to pass on The Frugal Life News on to your friends! It’s
how we grow!

Until next time,



“Hello Greg…
This is the first month for paying my bills using the Debt
Into Wealth system and I have a question. My husband and I both get paid
monthly. If we use our Payoff Accelerator on our #1 Priority debt this month
we will have no access to any money until next month. What I’m getting at is
that between now and next payday, if some emergency happened we would not
have money to help us until our next payday. Sorry, I’m being so paranoid..
But you just like to think you have some sort of leeway in case of
— Amy

“Hello Greg,
Just thought I would let you know that I paid our #1 debt
off… 2 months earlier than planned!!!! I now know what you mean about
getting a bit aggressive and excited about paying the STUFF off! I think we
are going to celebrate by going for a nice steak dinner for the family and
then we are taking the next months Payoff Accelerator to have new garage
doors installed!! Now to tackle #2 (this one should only take 5 months to
pay off).”
— Shelley

I received both of these emails within days of each other. Amy is about to
make her first accelerated payment. Shelley just PAID OFF her first debt.
Amy is understandably nervous about what “might” happen… emergencies,
disasters, and the like, that “might” require money that’s been used to
accelerate her

#1 Priority debt.

Do you suppose Shelley had a few of these same butterflies when she made her
first accelerated payment?

Most likely… yes.

But without making her first accelerated payment, she would not have enjoyed
the exhilaration of paying off their first debt – not to mention that steak

Success is the ancestor of success! With one debt demolished, the desire to
terminate the next debt as quickly as possible overwhelms any remaining

It just feels so darn good!

Emergencies and disasters have “some” probability of occurring. Remember,
though, 80% of the things we worry about never happen. However, you can be
100% certain that your debts are going to be there tomorrow… unless you
take that first step.


Payoff All of your Debts in 5-7 Years using the money you

Greg Moore is the author of the Debt Freedom Course, “DebtIntoWealth —
Lessons from My Journey to Debt Freedom”. For your FREE Lesson 1 of this
course, CLICK HERE



Here’s a simple recipe that will kill vegetation without chemicals. Keep in
mind that if the poison plant is not in anybody’s way, it’s a great plant
that feeds birds with its berries. Angora and Spanish goats love it too. If
you absolutely must kill it or something else, here’s a non-toxic recipe:

Place 1 gallon of vinegar in a large pot and add 1 cup of salt. Heat till
the salt dissolves. Cool and add 8 drops of liquid dish detergent. Put in
spray bottle or pour on the poison ivy. This formula is not
poison-specific. It will kill any vegetation you pour it on. Be careful
where you spray or pour.


Visit Healthy Pet Corner for lots of information, products,
and links for birds, cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, and reptiles.
All for Pets


What To Do After A Death Occurs
by Dr. Charlotte Gorman*

Americans arrange for more than two million funerals for their families and
friends each year. Some people spend more for a funeral than for any other
single “item” they buy. According to the National Funeral Director’s
Association, the average cost for a funeral in 2001 was $5,180 and does not
include vault, cemetery, monument or marker, or miscellaneous items, such as
flowers, burial clothing, or newspaper notices. It may well be the third
most expensive purchase for most people after a home and a car.

Below are some tips for cutting funeral and burial costs while maintaining
the dignity and spirit of the occasion. It also gives suggestions of other
things to check on after a death occurs.

1. If you do not know whether the deceased had made and paid in advance for
funeral and burial arrangements, call local and nearby funeral homes and ask
if they have any record of such arrangements. Be sure to examine all papers
of the deceased and look for funeral and burial contracts. Neglecting to
check out the possibility of such arrangements could result in unnecessary
expenditures for survivors.

2. If the deceased and the family of the deceased are extremely poor, check
with the local county government to see what financial assistance for burial
might be available.

3. If the deceased lived at your address, think about having someone
“house-sit” for you while you are at the funeral. Burglars take advantage of
such absences to break into houses. They learn where the deceased lived and
the time and date of the funeral by reading the obituary column. They assume
that no one will be at home and plan their break in. A house-sitter could
prevent loss of your personal property.

4. If the deceased was a veteran, the spouse of a veteran, or a dependent
child of a veteran, check immediately after death with the nearest Veteran’s
Affairs office to determine (if you don’t know already) whether the deceased
is eligible for burial in a National Cemetery. Check also on what payments
are available for funeral and burial expenses. In addition, ask if a grave
marker or headstone is provided. Generally, a survivor is eligible to
receive an American Flag to use in the funeral and to keep afterwards. If
you are the surviving spouse or a dependent child of a veteran, ask about
survivor’s benefits.

For more great tips go to
Funeral Tips


Here’s a kit with everything you will need to start making your
own pampering and cleaning products for pennies with the
easy-to-follow recipe guide.
Make Your Own


I have a heavy-duty cookie sheet I use that catches all the spills in my
oven.  I try not to use my oven’s self-cleaning feature very often, because
it uses a lot of electricity and produces fumes, but when I do use it (with
the windows open) I leave the cookie sheet inside and the high heat cooks
off the baked-on grease.  You probably shouldn’t try this with anything but
a heavy institutional cookie sheet, or it will warp from the high heat, and
you should definitely get off as much crud as you can first.

Hi.  I’m new to this type of messaging, but thought I’d share how I clean my
baking sheets.  Same thing happened to me and I simply sprayed the cookie
sheet (outdoors) with an oven-cleaning spray that doesn’t require heat.  I
left it overnight, washed it the next day.  Had to repeat, but it came clean
as new the second time.

Editor’s Note: There are more great ideas about cleaning in our cleaning
forum on the bulletin board.


Maybe you can help these folks out with a few suggestions? Or post some of
your own questions. LOG-IN TO POST Here’s the link: href=” “> Forum

Questions Needing Answers at The Forum:

Cleaning Forum
1. I have a terrible problem with mold under my kitchen sink.
That side of my house never gets sun so it is very damp under there. I am
afraid if I clean with bleach and water the mold will just come back because
of the dampness. Any suggestions? Thanks, Lynda Hall

2. The outer rim of my dinner plates have a yellowish stain and I cannot
seem to remove with anything.  Any suggestions?

Cooking Forum
1. Does anyone have good ideas for cheap healthy breakfasts (aside from
oatmeal, cold cereal, or toast)? These need to be low fat and preferably
vegetarian! My three year old has “gone off” oatmeal at the moment, and I
want to add a bit more variety to the morning.

Critters Forum
1. We own a mobile home, and when it was set-up years ago, we had to tear
down an old barn that was infested with earwigs to move it in.  Every summer
since, we have fought earwig infestation.  We had Orkin come out for the
first year, then discontinued, thinking we should be done with the problem.
Not so. We have fought these pests every year since, and do not want to
invest in costly exterminating services again.  We’ve tried just about
everything from foggers to granules, but nothing gets rid of them
permanently.  We’d like to try something natural, but at this point we’re
game for anything.  The little creatures actually come into the house, which
is something I read that they never do.

Personal Care Forum
1. Any of you have any tips on prolonging the life of a razor blade Seems
like I buy lots of them and wondered if anyone had any tricks they could
share. – rustypatch

Pets Forum
1. I have a new male kitten (just found it) …i really want to know what
kind of shots i need to get it, what i should do w/ the smelling litter box,
where it should sleep…how can i clean it….where is a cheap vets i can go
to in Marietta, GA to get it check up de-wormed or whatever that i need to
do w/ a new pet kitten please help thank you

2. I am going on a 1-2 weeks vacation…all of my friend and family are on
some kind of trip too so their is no one to take care of my cat during
July4th….where can i leave for about a week or so at a low cost the
vet, pound….somewhere safe so when i come back its still there for me to
pick up and bring a bac home after vacation?…Please HELP …..thanks i
live in Marietta, Ga

Recipe Forum
1. Does anyone have a canning recipe for jalapeño dill pickles? I’ve
checked several recipe websites but haven’t located one. Thanks for your
help! – Max



Have you noticed how popular bath and pampering products have become? The
HomeSpa Party Plan taps into that craze. Guests at HomeSpa parties will
learn how to make bath salts, personalized perfumes, body spritzers and more
using essential oils, while you make a nice income from Nature’s Sunshine. href=” “> Home Spa Party


If you’ve been a natural health nut, you have a lot of information others
need to have. Earn an income selling over 600 natural health products, skin
care, water filters, beverages, essential oils, and more. Earn trips and
car allowance. Websites are also available for $15.95/month. href=” “> Nature’s Sunshine


If you have pets, they’ll love Flint River and you can make an income
providing good pet foods and other pet products to friends, neighbors and
your family. Pets keep eating, so customers keep buying. If you love
animals, this is a very rewarding home-based business. With only 100 volume
a month you can earn 19% on all sales. href=” “> Flint River Ranch


Life’s Abundance has great products by Dr. Jane Bicks and Dr. Barry Sears who
developed the Zone Diet for Overweight Dogs. Besides dog, cat and horse
products, you will have a non-toxic line of cleaning products – safe for
pets and children. Visit this website for more information. This type of
site is also available for $10.95/month (plus an initial $20 set-up fee). href=” “> Life’s Abundance


Information in The Frugal Life News (TFL) has been derived from sources
believed accurate and reliable. In no event shall *The Frugal Life,* Randal
Watkins, or the TFL staff be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting
from any action arising in connection with the use of information herein.

TFL does not knowingly accept ads from advertisers deemed detrimental to
TFL’s readers, however, publication of an ad in TFL does not constitute an
endorsement for such product or service.

There is no remuneration for suggestions, tips, or ideas submitted by
readers. All suggestions, tips, and ideas, submitted for publication in The
Frugal Life, become the property of The Frugal Life, notwithstanding similar
rights of the reader submitting such suggestions, tips, or ideas. TFL
publishes readers’ names with their suggestions, tips, and ideas unless a
reader requests otherwise at the time of the submission.

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