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The Frugal Life – Living Well With What You Have


Archived Message of “The Frugal Life News”
Published by The Frugal

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The Frugal Life News
July 27, 2004 Edition

A Note From Randal

Hello Everyone,

Welcome new subscribers and thanks to all of you who have been sharing The Frugal Life News with others!

I have been busy with a good friend over the Weekend and Monday building a pond in our backyard. If you know of any good sites on beautifying the pond after it is built, I would appreciate knowing about them?

We are grateful for your sharing of our ezines and websites.

Until next time,


Frugal Finances –

How To Find Ways To Save Through Free and Low-Cost Medical/Health Services
by Dr. Charlotte Gorman*

Medical and health services costs continue to escalate with no cap in sight. But here are a few tips on making use of free or low-cost services that could save you a considerable amount of money:

1. If your employer makes available certain free medical care and medicines to employees (and maybe spouses and dependent children) through a “Company” nurse or doctor, then take full advantage of this benefit. You could cut your medical expenses by a tidy sum.

2. If you are a veteran, find out what medical benefits you could be eligible to receive. Call or write the nearest Veteran’s Affairs office for information. The benefits might make a big difference in how much money you must be out for medical care.

3. If you are a college student, take advantage of free or low-cost medical care and prescription medicines offered by the campus student health services.

4. Check to see if you or your family members qualify for Medicaid (a free medical assistance program). Call or go to your local social services office for information.

Find the rest of this article at
Medical Alternatives

*Dr. Charlotte Gorman is an Extension Agent, Family & Consumer Sciences, Texas Cooperative Extension, Texas A & M University System. She is the author of The Frugal Mind, The Little Book of Living Frugal, and Speak for Yourself.

Frugal Gardening


Use a layer of black and white newspaper to prevent weed seed from germinating. It’s safe and works wonders. It will decompose nicely.

Mulch to prevent weeds.

Pour boiling water into cracks and near buildings to help kill weeds.

Be sure to get as much of the root when weeding.

Weed after a rain or after watering for easier results.

When introducing new plant material, double check your source and be careful not to bring in new problems.

For more great tips:

Frugal How-To –

Cleaning The Inside of a Plastic Kettle Submitted by Tony Cook

With the multitude of chemicals put into drinking water these days you can get a brown film all over the inside of your plastic kettle. To remove the staining just slice a lemon into four segments. Drop them into the kettle with the usual amount of water and bring to a boil. Leave it to stand, preferably overnight, and boil again in the morning. Empty kettle and the staining should have been removed.

Make Your Own Home And Beauty Products
Bath, Beauty, Perfumes, Cleaning and Air Freshner/Deodorizer

Essential oil kits allow you to make your own safe non-chemical home and beauty products. You’ll save a lot and feel better about making your home less toxic for yourself, children and pets. The Starter Pack has a Recipe Guide with tons of ideas.
Make Your Own Home
and Beauty Products

Frugal Decorating

Deodorize While You Kill Bacteria and Viruses

Essential oils will make your home smell wonderful without the dangerous air freshner chemicals that have been in the news. The big bonus is that you also get the anti-microbial properties of essential plant oils so you can kill germs throughout your home without bleach and toxic cleaning products.

The AromaBall is a handy plug-in appliance with a ceramic plate that holds a small pad on which you add essential oils. Easy-to-use as a night light.

Get more info and/or purchase here:
AromaBall for
Deodorizer and Anti-Microbial Home Defense

Frugal Pets

Herbal Heartworm Program and Prevention

Robin Sockness works with pet owners with an individualized program and has currently worked with over 300 dogs. Herbs are safer and less expensive so it’s a win-win situation for all. Prevention programs are available also. Read more about it here:
Herbal Heartworm
Program & Prevention

Free Information, Free Ecards, and Pet Foods Too!

Healthy Pet Corner provides lots of information and links for birds, cats, dogs, horses, rabbits, and reptiles.
Healthy Pet Corner – Your Pet

Frugal Tips From Our Subscribers –

I had so many red ants in the front yard you would think I was raising them for sale! Looking for the most inexpensive way to get rid of them I found this solution online.

Mix orange or grapefruit juice, water and liquid soap together (equal parts) and spray the area. It seems that the acid is what gets them. I tried this and it works, but repeated applications were necessary. Hope this helps someone else.

What’s Going On In The Forum

Maybe you can help these folks out with a few suggestions? Or post some of your own questions. LOG-IN TO POST Here’s the link:

Questions Needing Answers At The Forum

From the Editor:
No questions for this issue. Guess everyone is enjoying the sun instead. :-)

Home Based Business Ideas

Home Spa Party Plan – Make Bath and Body Products

Have you noticed how popular bath and pampering products have become? The HomeSpa Party Plan taps into that craze. Guests at HomeSpa parties will learn how to make bath salts, personalized perfumes, body spritzers and more using essential oils, while you make a nice income from Nature’s Sunshine.
Home Spa Party

Flint River Ranch – Oven Baked Pet Foods

If you have pets, they’ll love Flint River and you can make an income providing good pet foods and other pet products to friends, neighbors and your family. Pets keep eating, so customers keep buying. If you love animals, this is a very rewarding home-based business. With only 100 volume a month you can earn 19% on all sales. Websites are not yet available.
Flint River Ranch

Nature’s Sunshine Products – Herbs and Supplements

If you’ve been a natural health nut, you have a lot of information to share. Earn an income selling over 500 natural health products, beverages, essential oils, skin care systems, water filters, and more. Websites are also available for $15.95/month (plus an initial $19.95 set-up fee).
Nature’s Sunshine

Life’s Abundance Foods and Supplements

Life’s Abundance products by Dr. Jane Bicks and Dr. Barry Sears who developed the Zone Diet for Overweight Dogs. Besides dog, cat and horse products, they have a non-toxic line of cleaning products – safe for pets and children. Websites available for $10.95/month (plus an initial $20 set-up fee).
Healthy Pet

Legal Disclaimer
Information in The Frugal Life News (TFL) has been derived from sources believed accurate and reliable. In no event shall *The Frugal Life,* Randal Watkins, or the TFL staff be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of information herein.

TFL does not knowingly accept ads from advertisers deemed detrimental to TFL’s readers, however, publication of an ad in TFL does not constitute an endorsement for such product or service.

There is no remuneration for suggestions, tips, or ideas submitted by readers. All suggestions, tips, and ideas, submitted for publication in The Frugal Life, become the property of The Frugal Life, notwithstanding similar rights of the reader submitting such suggestions, tips, or ideas. TFL publishes readers’ names with their suggestions, tips, and ideas unless a reader requests otherwise at the time of the submission.

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