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Stay Out of the Kitchen This Christmas

Stay Out of the Kitchen This Christmas

Copyright 2001 Champion Press, Ltd
Used with permission.  All rights reserved.

It was the week before Christmas and all through the house you ran around preparing to feed all the mouths …

When what to your wondrous eyes should appear but the answer to stay out of the kitchen this year!

We have long ago known that commercialization has been draining the joy from our holiday season.  But it isn’t the only drain.

According to a recent survey of women, one of the Christmas season’s top stressors is cooking and preparation!  While many women enjoy cooking a one day holiday feast, the added cooking of Christmas Eve, New Years and meals for company, can quickly wear one thin.

Deborah Taylor-Hough, author of "Frozen Assets: how to cook for a day and eat for a month," found that she was spending too
little time with family and too much time in the kitchen over the holidays.  With a little imagination and some determination, she solved the dilemma be creating a cost-effective Ten Day Holiday Meal Plan that can be prepared quickly and feed everyone throughout the holidays — without sacrificing taste or nutrition.

This holiday, give yourself the gift of kitchen-free days by trying this meal plan in your home.  This menu comes to you direct from Taylor-Hough’s book, "Frozen Assets: How to Cook for a Day and Eat for a Month."

Could you imagine a relaxed Christmas and New Year without
needing to cook any main dinner recipes — only side dishes and desserts?  If that sounds like a great gift to give yourself this year, plan ahead this holiday season using this Ten-Day Holiday Meal Plan.

This meal plan covers the main dish dinner recipes from just before Christmas until New Year’s Day.  Many people find they
need larger amounts of food during this time of year due to guests, unexpected visitors or college-age children returning home for the holidays.  If these recipes prepare more than you’ll be needing, you can serve leftovers for lunches, or divide
the recipes into additional freezer pans and stretch the meals out for a longer period of time.

These recipes include main dishes for a holiday dinner of turkey; several meals of planned turkey leftovers; a breakfast casserole that can be served on Christmas or New Year’s morning; and recipes that could be used for company meals throughout the holidays.

Now that you can plan ahead and get your cooking out of the way, get ready to relax and enjoy the holidays!

"Frozen Assets: how to cook for a day and eat for a month" by Deborah Taylor-Hough. This book include the Holiday Meal Plan as well as a 30-day meal plan and two-week plan for other times around the year. Many additional recipes are included along with instructions on how to adapt your own recipes, create your own menus. Also includes low-fat tips and money-saving ideas for groceries.  Published by Champion Press, Ltd.  Available at book- stores nationwide.

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