Cleaning Rayon Fabric
Q. I have a problem with my rayon fabric turning colors when I take it to the dry cleaners. I have tried Dryel at home and still my fabrics get a red or pink tinge to it that I cannot get to come out. I would stop buying rayon clothing, but I love the way it feels. Does anyone know how to get this reddish cast out of my dresses, or are they just ruined? If there isn’t anything I can do to get it out, is there anything I can do to avoid this from happening in the future? Thanks a lot, Dianne H
I just hand wash my Rayon garments in cold water. I use just a drop of mild detergent, and rinse. I dry them on the line and needs virtually no ironing. I realize the tag says ‘Dry Clean Only’ but I have not had any problems with Rayon. Bob & Lorrain
I have never taken rayon to the dry cleaners. Always washed it in a natural liquid detergent, called Sunshine Concentrat e. I love this product. Use it for so many things around the house. My clothing look new so much longer by not using chemical detergents which I think are designed to wear your clothes out and discolor them. Maybe the clothing industry is in with the detergent industry? LOL Teresa