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Baking Soda

• Pour enough baking soda to cover the bottom, add enough vinegar to make it fizz, and let it do the cleaning for you! Then rinse with a bucket of water or a garden hose with a spray nozzle. Air dry or wipe down. This works for me and keeps those “odors” away. (Do remember to occasionally clean the trash can with a disinfectant or some bleach as well.)

• You can always pour some baking soda into the trash bag, especially if you have to toss meat scraps or other smelly things into your trash can. It really cuts down on the odor.

• Use a paste made from baking soda and water to remove scuff marks from linoleum floors.

• Clean bathtubs, sinks and toilets, works as well as ajax or softscrub type cleaners.


• Add 1/4-1/2 cup per washload to remove sour odors from clothing, works especially well with dishcloths.

• Place a box in your freezer and refrigerator to absorb odors.

• Also place a box in closed ice chests to help eliminate and absorb odors.

• Buildup remover for hair: combine 1/4 cup baking soda with 1/4 cup molasses and mix well, store in an empty shampoo bottle in your shower. After wetting hair, place a small amount of this mixture in your hands and work thoroughly through hair. Leave on 10-30 minutes or until you can feel your hair becoming smooth if you run it between 2 fingers..up until now it will have had a crinkly or crusty feel. Rinse, shampoo and condition as normal. When your hairs dries you will be amazed at the difference! Repeat once a week or as needed.

• Mix with water to form a thick paste and scrub stained area in coffee mugs etc.

• Use to wash hands after cutting up fish or anything else that leaves an odor.

• I have a tip for cleaning trash cans with baking soda. Pour enough baking soda to cover the bottom, add enough vinegar to make it fizz, and let it do the cleaning for you! Then rinse with a bucket of water or a garden hose with a spray nozzle. Air dry or wipe down. This works for me and keeps those “odors” away. (Do remember to occasionally clean the trash can with a disinfectant or some bleach as well.)

• Don’t forget, you can always pour some baking soda into the trash bag, especially if you have to toss meat scraps or other smelly things into your trash can. It really cuts down on the odor.

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