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Egg Cartons

Egg Cartons

Egg Cartons make great holders for snacks on the go…; First wash and dry them VERY well. Then go and put little snacks that your little ones love in them. you can choose up to 12 different M&M’s in one hole..Fishies in another…cheerios in another…and so on and so forth. then take an Elastic Band and wrap around the two ends to keep in secure…You can even be creative and decorate with markers or stickers…There’s a surprise in each slot awaiting that anxious hungry child who may get bored on the long trip to Grammies…-Terri

This is a dual recycle tip.  Gather the lint from the clothes dryer filter after a few cycles and place it in an egg carton (cardboard carton only ).  Keep emptying the filter and placing the lint, compressing as you add to the egg carton until the carton is full from top to bottom.  Next, gather up all the candles you have burned but still have runovers, or unused portions left in them.  Melt the candle wax in a double boiler, or use the microwave (follow manufacturers instructions) and pour over the lint in the egg carton.  Use these briquettes  after they have cooled by tearing portions of the carton apart and tossing them in the fireplace to start your fire!  They can also be used to start outdoor grills, or campfires!  This idea came from the Girl Scouts….my daughter was a Troop Leader.  Thanks….Linda

"You can use egg cartons to teach your child sorting, counting, pouring or use it to store small Lego pieces in. You can also use them to put small amounts of paint into each spot to keep colors separate.   What about a surprise lunch? Get out your plastic Easter eggs and fill them each with a different food. Use the egg carton as the lunch caddy. What a fun lunch! I hope you like my ideas, Kim

Egg cartons make great acoustic absorbers for garage bands! Try it when the teens are practicing.  Clay A great way to utilize egg cartons (not foam type), is to use them as taco holders.  Turn the cartons over, place hard taco shells across the carton (between the egg wells), warm in microwave then fill full of all your favorite toppings.  This rack works great for carrying the tacos to the table and also is great for those ‘cooker helper’ kids to be able to do it themselves!  Cyndi H. – mom to six great kids


My friend lives near a golf coarse and in her field  back of the course all the stray balls accumulate. So every few weeks she gathers them up, puts them in egg cartons and sells them at  her garage sale.  Sure adds to the pot!!!          Eleanor

The cartons have to be paper/cardboard, not the plastic/Styrofoam type. Stuff each of the "egg nests" with lint from the dryer (the neighbors used to through the lint out but are glad to give it to us).  Melt wax from all those last little bits that candles don’t burn and pour over the lint in the carton.  After the wax has cooled, break off one "egg nest",  place it under the wood pile that you want to burn and light. The best kindling I’ve ever used.  Ray

I had managed to accumulate at least 30 egg cartons because I can not stand to throw anything away. My use for them? I gave them to my kids (ages 5 and 3) to use as building blocks!  Those things kept the kids busy for more than a week building forts, walls, etc. That’s longer than most store-bought toys keep them occupied for at that age and when one would tear up, I could throw it  away with a clean conscience!  Melissa 

A great way to utilize egg cartons (not foam type), is to use them as taco holders.  Turn the cartons over, place hard taco shells across the carton (between the egg wells), warm in microwave then fill full of all your favorite toppings.  This rack works great for carrying the tacos to the table and also is great for those ‘cooker helper’ kids to be able to do it themselves!  Cyndi H – mom to six great kids

Egg cartons make great caterpillars. Simply cut the carton lengthwise, removing the lid, and paint with tempera paints. Glue eyes on and use pipecleaners for the antennae. This is a great craft for a preschooler and while they do the craft you can read   Darin & Maria 

If you often mail fragile things, simply cut up clean egg cartons to make lightweight packing material to protect the contents of your mailing packages.  Janet

During the time my children were coming up we had little money… My mother saved the egg cartons until she had enough to make a foot stool…She  stood them on end with the backs inside and sewed the sides together until a circle was formed… She then cut a piece if cardboard or box in a circle to fit the top and the bottom… She covered the top with foam then material and covered the egg cartons she had sewed together… This made a foot stool or small table for the children to use as they wished.

I use the foam egg containers to hold my pierced earrings. I can stack 3 in a pile in my drawer–I have 3 stacks of 3 cartons–some can hold 2 pair of smaller earrings.  I cut the lids off and just use the partitioned side.  Ruth

We have 5 different ways we use egg cartons:
1. We have cut them in to strips of single cups and added pipe cleaners for legs and antenna for our "caterpillar".   Then we use crayons or markers for decorating.

2.    Cut into single cups, insert a pipe cleaner in the bottom and you have a flower.  One carton makes a pretty bouquet. 

3. When sorting beads, buttons, pasta, beans etc. we use the cartons to hold the different items.  It works great!  Things don’t roll off the table and it is hard to tip it over.

4.We have also used them in a pinch at the beach.  We were caught out of town at the beach with no sand bucket.  We raided Grandma’s refrigerator, confiscated her egg carton and an old spoon.  My son was soon making his very own sand city. He thought it was cool that he could make so many "houses" at once.  The strip between the cups was perfect for the road for his Matchbox cars.

5. As you can tell my son and I have great fun together.  He loves to pretend and he thinks it is the greatest thing to take one thing and make it into something new.  Julie

2 thoughts on “Egg Cartons”

  1. I live in Amish country. I give them my egg cartons because they share eggs in their community but everyone needs to bring their own cartons. Plus those that sell use the cartons. I use the cardboard ones for starting seeds too. My mother and grandmothers did the same thing. Who needs to buy starter pots. and as kids we made Christmas bells for the tree out of egg cartons. Just poke a string of yarn thru the cups and glue glitter on them. The cardboards ones could be painted.
    . Was always a project in school and scouts.

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