Thank you for allowing me to ask my questions!!!!!! I am in excruciating lower back pain!!!! I have tried “ALL” pain pills,(thank god, they don't work I quit taking them, right? Then I would be taking for all the wrong reasons!!!) Oxycodone, morphine, methadone, codeine, alive. I guess you get the pitcher!!!!! I remember…..when I was a kid….33 year's ago = 49. We used something on horses. I always had bad knees, so someone threw me a can of something we also use on horses to rub on my knees. I “thought” it was “RED-CELL”. I pulled up on computer, Horses, and Humans. And, up pops “DMSO”! OMG! It was everything I would hope for. Doctors I'm seeing, aren't trying to fix me, they use a little this and that. No more than numbing agent, just like the dentists office!! ( that way we just keep coming back ) Hospitals and, pain clinics don't make there money off of healthy people. 'SO'. What do you think of “99.9% pure DMSO-DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE” I have been using it for a week 1/2. 4-5 time's a day, and night. I use the clear gel in round white 4-1/2oz container. Please! I so “APOLOGIZE' for going on and, on. I'm so stressed out on my pain issues and, have no one to really hear me, and understand chronic pain!!!!!!!!! Thanking you in advance. CI'CI'