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Financial Advisor

  • This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by imported_tiggershadow.
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  • #20105

      I would like to get my finances and retirement portfolios  in order. I need to get advice from some one that is going to give me advice or a stratagy without trying to sell me something.

      Can anyone lead me in the right direction?



        If you want to avoid someone hard-selling or pushing a particular investment on you, the person you consult for this information should not work on commission.  When you are interviewing potential advisors, make sure they are fee-only, instead of commission-based.  You will still have to pay, but it will be a flat fee and you will know the charge upfront.  There are different investment styles, so be vocal about letting them know the types of things you are comfortable investing in–it’s your money and there are lots of experts out there to choose from, so don’t be pushed into something outside of your comfort zone.  Get referrals from people that have similar lifestyles, and start compiling resources at that point.  There is a lot of free info out in libraries and the internet, and educating yourself is key to not letting a knowedgable person in the industry push you into something you are unfamiliar with.  Most important, don’t be paralyzed, START!  It’s your future you are investing in, and the sooner you begin, the better (got to love that amazing compound interest!)

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