Since we are all trying to save money and want healthier treats for our Trick or Treaters……….I am doing the following this year in place of candy bars:
I am giving out envelopes of Hot Chocolate. I need 40 treats. So I purchased 4 boxes of Swiss Miss Hot Chocolate for .99 a box. Each box has 10 envelpes of
hot chocolate. For less than $4.00 I have my 40 treats.
You could use halloween stickers to make them more festive. However, I searched on Google images for a cute 3 x 3 halloween image. I found a cute
ghost, jumping out of a bag. I ran off one copy of the image. Then I ran off
another and had two up. On the two, I used a fine tip orange marker to print
HOT CHOCOLATE in the middle of the ghost. I cut the two ghost out, ran a
copy, cut out ran four up etc. until I had eight ghost on the page. I copied 5
copies and now I have 40 ghost to cut out. Now glue each ghost to the front
of each envelope of hot chocolate, making a cute, healty treat for the little ones.
I had my GrandChildren glue the ghost on each envelope for family craft fun time.