We spend a fortune on laundry soap and come to find out you don't even need as much as it says. When we got our water softener put in a few weeks ago they told us we could use even less than we were before http://www.rainsoft.com/conditioned-water-laundry.cfm. I am going to make my own laundry soap now and use less of it and save a ton! I think I might add some fresh lavender to my mix to give a natural but fragrant sent.
This is the recipe I found:
2 Bars of Lever Soap
1 cup of Borax (20 Mule Team)
1 cup Oxyclean
2 cups of Washing Soda (Arm & Hammer)
5 gallon bucket with lid
Shred the bars of soap. Boil 8 cups of water after water is boiling slowly add soap. Reduce heat and stir until soap has dissolved, continue stirring for about 5 minutes.
Put 3 gallons of water in bucket, add borax, washing soda and Oxyclean. Add soapy hot water to bucket and stir. Cover and let sit for 24 hours