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Kitchen  floor

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  • #19950

      :( We just moved to a new home and I didn`t relize my kitchen chairs were leaving dents in my floor so i fixed that BUT when we have moved the chairs arround now i have scuff marks on my floor( white ) and i can not get rid of them . Does anyone know what i could try to get rid of these marks?
      Thank you


        I don’t know what kind of floors you have but I have found Comet (or Ajax or something similar) to work quite well in getting scuff marks off.


          Have you tried mr clean magic eraser?  This thing works wonders!  You can probably even get a coupon for it at


            Yes I have tryed it but it  does not work …thanks for the info tho


              I have used cream of tarter to clean scuff marks off of my white kitchen floor.. it works wonders! Good luck to you and let everyone know what you find to work.


                Baking soda takes scuff marks off my kitchen floor.


                  i’ve heard regular pencil erasers remove scuff marks.


                    nail polish remover or lighter fluid – both work well on scuffs. 


                      What kind of floor do you have?  Some solutions will just make the problem worse depending on whether it's laminate, hardwood, lino, etc.

                      We bought little felt pads for the bottom of our chairs so haven't had any issues…yet.


                        Re: What kind of floor do you have?
                        quote by original poster:…. “chairs were leaving dents in my floor”….
                        most likely not tile or hardwood flooring. 

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