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      Any of you have any tips on prolonging the life of a razor blade??? Seems like I buy lots of them and wondered if anyone had any tricks they could share.


        Ok I’m gonna answer my own post !!!! I have been reading some other web sites and one that i have found is drying your blade after every use. I sort of tapped it to get the excess water off and that was it. It does seem to prolong but not a whole lot but some is better then none. Also have heard that if cool water is used instead of hot it helps also.


          This sounds a little wierd, but putting the razor in a little cup of vegetable oil between uses will prolong its life.


            I used to always toss away the plastic safety covers that are on razors, but I eventually realized they really do prolong the life of the razor, probably by keeping moisture and/or bacteria off the blades between shaves.

            Environmental note:  I know that Gilette multi-packs are a lot cheaper than Venus or Soleil razors with replaceable blades, but I really believe in being able to buy blade replacements.  Also, the brand Preserve, sold at Whole Foods, mades recylable razors — you just snap off the blade and recycle the handle.  And, of course, you can buy blade replacements — in fact they just came out with a triple blade razor.  


              This isn’t on the subject of razors, but about shaving cream:  I’ve often been guilty of buying conditioners that just do wacky things to my hair, like leave it too dry, or whatever the case, and then I have no idea what to do with them.  And, a couple months ago I switched to entirely paraben-free body lotions, so I literally have a bathroom cabinet full of:  shaving cream!  You can use lotion or conditioner as shaving cream and, in fact, in my latest in-shower experiment, the leg I shaved with an old bottle of Dove bronzing lotion had fewer nicks than the one to which I applied traditional shaving gel.  
              Sometimes you’ll even get a better ‘price per unit’ if you buy a huge bottle of lotion or conditioner that is really, really marked down at somewhere like Big Lots.  

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