I forgot to turn off the blower on my wood burning stove… fire smoldered…was away 16 hours…came home to a house that smelled like we had a three alarm fire in it. I’ve tried freezing the family (keeping the windows open) , burning candles, incense, placing pine-sol around the house.The smell is gross!!! I had to wash all clothing and curtains.PLEASE HELP ME…..I cant stand this awful smell.
Odor-Ban is an enzyme based cleaner that worked for me after I had a fire. Sam’s Club is the only place that carries it but I don’t know if you can buy it online from them. It’s concentrated for pre-laundry soaks and also comes in a spray bottle that I used on carpets.
Pet Force is something that takes odors out of anything! Even skunk. I would think it would work on carpet, furniture or whatever you needed to spray. You dilute it and it does a great job. Used it to get cat urine odor out. It even goes into the padding under the carpet which is good. You can find it online with a search. You can use it in a carpet cleaning machine too.