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Toddler Bed Problems

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      We recently bought a toddler bed for our 19 month old daughter.  We weren’t planning on getting her one so early, but we moved from Ohio to Washington State and her crib got broken.  It wasn’t safe to use.  I thought instead of buying a crib that wouldn’t get much use, we’d just get her the toddler bed.

      Now the problem is that she will not stay in bed.  We can go through the bedtime routine and tuck her in.  But, she’ll wander back out after about 5 minutes.   We’ve tried putting a baby gate across her bedroom door.  She’ll either just sit in there and play or stand in the doorway and scream.  If we do manage to get her to sleep in her bed, she’ll wait until the middle of the night and crawl in bed with hubby and me.  That is a habit we don’t want her to get used to.

      I’m at the point where I’m ready to go buy another crib and let her use that for a couple more months.  Do other toddlers have this problem?  Or is she just too young?




        I had the same problem with both my sons (4 and 1).  My pediatrician informed me it was not abusive to expect them to stay in their own beds, and shutting the door wasn’t either.  So we shut the door to keep out distractions and left them on their own.  Yes, we have withstood many a night of them screaming themselves to sleep, but they eventually understood that the door being shut means time to sleep.  When the oldest got old enough to open the door on his own, we purchased the childlock doorknob covers to keep him put.  A baby monitor can help you make sure he is okay.  This was my pediatrician’s exact advice and it worked for us! ;)


          We have the same issue with our 3 year old and have a 2nd on the way.  My wife refuses to let him cry it out so every night he goes in his own bed and wanders over at some point.  We tryed a couple different beds and none worked.  If one of us sleeps over there with him, he will stay.  That is the plan when the new one comes.  If we keep him in his bed for the 1st 2 hours, he usually stays put.

          I know a lot of folks with the same issue.  Maybe read a book by Dr. Sears who advacates a family bed!

          Good luck.


            From my experience (Mom of 3 girls, ages 6, 3 1/2, and 2), I think she’s too young.  Right now, my 2 year old is still in a crib, my 3.5 year old just went into a “real” toddler bed when we moved last week, and the 6 year old is in a twin bed.  For the 6 year old & 3.5 year old, I had a crib that converts (one side comes off) into a toddler bed.  You might consider getting one of these.  It was an easy transition.  It’s still their bed (I kept the bumper pad on for awhile too) but it starts getting them use to a real bed.  I didn’t take the side off for either girl until they were around 2.5 years old.  Some even convert to a headboard for a full or twin bed as well.  The 6 year old went from that to a twin bed w/ those portable rails attached then we finally removed them.  The 3.5 year old got up a lot when we took the side off her crib  (at 30 months) but we just kept putting her back to bed & she finally settled.  Personally, I think they sleep better in a crib & there’s really no need to take them out until naptime potty training starts.  Good luck and hope you all start getting some good sleep!

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