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The Frugal Life News – 05/26/05


Archived Message of “The Frugal Life News”
Published by The Frugal

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The Frugal Life News
May 26, 2005 Edition

A Note From Randal

Hello Everyone,


I think this issue’s Frugal Finances article is very important to read. I never knew companies would have that kind of leniency for legitimate needs. If you know someone that can benefit please give them the information.

While I was in Oklahoma I had a great time seeing family and friends. We even installed a pallet of grass and 5 tons of dirt in my parents backyard. It was hot and tiring work but I am happy to report they say it is growing and has accomplished what it was needed for.

We do appreciate you sharing this newsletter and the website. Hope you’re having a blessed Springtime!

Frugally yours,

Frugal Finances

It Worked for Sheri…

Think the new bankruptcy law changes won’t affect you?

Let’s hope not. Few families who suffer through bankruptcy ever thought things would get so bad.

Bankruptcies aren’t planned.

As the author of ‘The Two-Income Trap’ reveals, 87% of bankruptcies result from Layoff, Illness, or Divorce.

Ever thought Layoff, Illness, or Divorce would affect you?

Sheri didn’t. Then she got sick…

‘I was very sick for about 3 months and went without income… and naturally didn’t have any reserve to fall back on. I have been making payments…but not enough…and still get charged late fees…so I don’t really pay off anything.’

Things quickly got out of hand…

No income, so she couldn’t make even the minimum payments. No payment meant a $29 late fee added to her balance. Late fees pushed her over her modest limits. Overlimit fees added another $29 to her balance. Tack on 18%, 19%, 21%, and 21% interest on her accounts. And all of the above repeated… every month!

If you really want to ‘experience’ compound interest, get behind in charge-card payments.

Sheri got well and went back to work, but the debt rocket had left orbit and was accelerating out of her financial solar system. Although she had resumed paying whatever she could, there was no way she was going to catch it.

A modest set of charges was about to drag her family into bankruptcy all because she got unexpectedly sick.

Sheri, however, decided to try another course of action before things became much more desperate… she asked for help.

Sheri sent a certified letter to each of her accounts. In it she reviewed her past exemplary payment history. She explained her recent lapse was due to illness. She included a statement from her doctor on her doctor’s letterhead verifying she wasn’t faking. She asked for relief from late charges, overlimit fees, and interest.

Guess how they responded…

Each of them said… ‘YES!’

They knocked off a significant amount of the fees bringing her balance back into payoff range… with time and a plan.

They left the interest rates intact, but now she had a realistic opportunity to avoid bankruptcy.

If you find yourself in this situation, do what Sheri did… ask for help… make a plan… get free! The new bankruptcy laws have made bankruptcy even less ‘fun’ than before.

‘I will keep you posted on my progress!! Again…I just can’t say Thank You enough. I might just have a savings account, retirement and be debt Free after all! (smile!).’ — Sheri


Greg Moore is the Architect of the Debt Freedom System, ‘DebtIntoWealth — Lessons from My Journey to Debt Freedom.’

‘What the heck… I’ll give it a try!’

‘I have to say I’m so glad I purchased your DebtIntoWealth System! I was skeptical at first, so I went to the website. It sounded good, so I figured ‘what the heck,’ I’ll give it a try. My goal was to pay off $5000 in credit card debt and a car loan so I could buy a new home, and get me and my 4 girls out of our 2 bedroom apartment. It worked! It’s now 9 months later and ALL of my debt is paid off, and I just signed a contract on a new 5 bedroom house! There is no better feeling than to have NO debts, and a savings account too! Thanks to your system, my family is going to have a better life by not being enslaved to debt.’ — Katrina S. in Houston, TX

What the heck… Give DebtIntoWealth a try, today!


Frugal Gardening

Mosquitoes in Your Yard?

With all the reasons to avoid mosquito bites, we should all be doing some landscaping with consideration to what will repel these pesky critters. Especially for the benefit of animals that may spend most of their lives outdoors.

Plants really do work to repel insects and animals …. you just have to find out what goes with which. Scottie Johnson has some ideas on things to consider. His belief is that there are many things you can do to keep mosquitoes away, but choosing plants that will beautify your yard as well makes it even more fun.

Read his article here:
Planting to Repel Mosquitoes

Frugal How-To

Warm Weather Food Safety

Summer is often associated with cookouts, picnics and other outdoor meals. But the combination of warm weather and leaving food out at room temperature can cause serious food safety concerns. It’s not always possible to see, taste or smell dangerous bacteria. Each year, many people will become the victims of some form of food poisoning. When transporting food and cooking out, it’s especially important to pay attention to matters of food safety.

This article by Dori Fritzinger will give you some great tips and precautions to take:
Warm Weather Food Safety

Make Your Own Home, Bath and Beauty Products

Essential oil kits allow you to make your own safe non-chemical home and beauty products. Making your home less toxic for yourself, children and pets.
Make Your Own Home and Beauty Products

Frugal Pets

Herbal Heartworm Program and Prevention

Robin Sockness works with pet owners with an individualized program and has currently worked with over 700 dogs. Herbs are safer and less expensive so it’s a win-win situation for all. Prevention programs available.
Herbal Heartworm
Program & Prevention

Pet Information, Links and Natural Foods

Healthy Pet Corner provides lots of information and links for dogs, cats, birds, horses, rabbits, and reptiles.
Healthy Pet Corner

Frugal Tips From Our Subscribers

I wanted to surprise my girl with a romantic night out, and since she is a big Broadway fan I had to figure out how I’m going to take us both to a show and dinner without burning a hole in my pocket. This is how I came across

This nice site offers discount codes to many hot Broadway shows. Using it I got tickets for Chicago for only 56$ a ticket. All with the convenience of booking the tickets online 1 week in advanced, and we also got good seating.

I think it is a good bookmark for all of how are trying to save a budget but like to indulge in culture from time to time. Hope it was helpful – Chang

What’s Going On In The Forum

Maybe you can help these folks out with a few suggestions? Or post some of your own questions. Log-in to Post Here’s the link:

Questions Needing Answers At The Forum

Q. The outer rim of my dinner plates have a yellowish stain and I cannot seem to remove with anything.  Any suggestions?

Q. Hi, The last time I wrote, it was for another cat who had kidney failure. Well, she has been doing great. Today is another baby sick. Yesterday when I was getting up for work, I seen one of my babies that just didn’t seem his self. The coolest 6 yr. old cat. When you call his name (Sebastian) he would come to you, then give you a kiss. He was just laying around and no kisses. In my heart, I felt something was wrong. When I picked him up, he wanted down. We called the vet and they couldn’t get us in till Sat morning (today). We told them, we thought he may be blocked as we did see him in the litter box. That made no difference. He seemed ok for a while as he ate and pottied but late at night, he was back down. At 6:30am he was almost dead. We were at the vet’s by 7:30 and they drained him but said he was full of blood. They still thought he would be ok. We said he ate Wellness food, so they said they would check for stones then. I just received a call that he has stones in bladder & kidneys and still had low temp. He’s on a heating pad. They feel he is a poor risk for an operation. I did give him 3cc of cranberry Concentrate last night. What can be done for him? As I am writing my heart is so broke, he has never been sick or away from home. At this moment, my Mommy cat who was sick just threw up! The vet said they would call tomorrow again. They already wanted $800-1000. No payments, because people with cats don’t pay their bills. I have no credit card. What can I do for him?? The Holistic Vet had no hours at all. Please someone help. I will bring him home tomorrow if someone will tell me what will dissolve these stones. I just can’t lose him. I am totally broke and Heart Broke at the same time. Please someone help. I have to find away to save him. Please tell me there is HOPE. Sorry, it’s such a long letter and thanks in advance for help. Millie

Home Based Business Ideas

Nature’s Sunshine Products – Herbs and Supplements

Earn an income selling over 500 natural health products, beverages, essential oils, skin care systems, water filters, and more. Websites for $11.95/month.
Nature’s Sunshine Products

Home Spa Party Plan – Make Bath and Body Products

Have you noticed how popular bath and pampering products have become? The HomeSpa Party Plan taps into that craze. Guests at HomeSpa parties learn how to make bath salts, personalized perfumes, body spritzers and more using essential oils, while you make a nice income.
Home Spa Party

Flint River Ranch – Oven Baked Pet Foods

Make additional income providing healthy pet foods and bones to friends, neighbors and family. Pets keep eating, so customers keep buying. If you love animals, this is a very rewarding home-based business. With only $100.00 volume a month you earn 19% on all sales.
Flint River Ranch

Life’s Abundance Foods and Supplements

Formulated by Dr. Jane Bicks and Dr. Barry Sears who developed the Zone Diet for Overweight Dogs. Besides dog, cat and horse products, they have a non-toxic line of cleaning products – safe for pets and children. Websites available for $8.50/month.
Healthy Pet Net

Access dozens of talking and animated ecards directly from your browser and send as many as you want for free! Animated greetings! Just add your message! You type, they speak. Free wallpapers, photo sharing, screensavers, and more.


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© 2005 Randal J. Watkins

Information in The Frugal Life News (TFL) has been derived from sources believed accurate and reliable. In no event shall *The Frugal Life,* Randal Watkins, or the TFL staff be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of information herein.

TFL does not knowingly accept ads from advertisers deemed detrimental to TFL’s readers, however, publication of an ad in TFL does not constitute an endorsement for such product or service.

There is no remuneration for suggestions, tips, or ideas submitted by readers. All suggestions, tips, and ideas, submitted for publication in The Frugal Life, become the property of The Frugal Life, notwithstanding similar rights of the reader submitting such suggestions, tips, or ideas. TFL publishes readers’ names with their suggestions, tips, and ideas unless a reader requests otherwise at the time of the submission.

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The Herbs Place

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