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The Frugal LifeNews – 09/26/05


Archived Message of “The Frugal Life News”
Published by The Frugal

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The Frugal Life News
September 29, 2005 Edition
The Frugal Life

A Note From Randal

Hello Everyone,


Many of you have written and indicated a problem getting into the newsletters or even subscribing to them. We apologize for this inconvenience. However, we have switched servers and during the transition many of our services were down. We are happy to say we are up now and nearly 100% functional.

We appreciate your patience in the matter.

As always, we appreciate you sharing this newsletter and our websites.

Frugally Yours In Virginia,


Frugal Finances

How to Get an Extra 15 Gallons of Gas a Month!

Gasoline prices are raising lots of American eyebrows while deflating lots of wallets. I know our European friends pay double U.S. current prices of $2.99 to $3.59 per gallon, depending on where you live and which hurricane is brewing, but they’ve been paying higher prices for years. U.S. drivers are still in transitional shock.

You can find plenty of Internet articles on driving tips to save gas, perhaps squeezing a few more miles out of your tank.

For example, Consumer Reports has recently answered the question…

Which uses the most gas? Driving with the windows up and air conditioning on, or windows down and air conditioning off?

Well… the answer is…

It depends on how fast you’re driving.

Over 40 miles per hour, drive with windows up and air conditioning on.

Under 40 miles per hour, drive with windows down and air conditioning off.

For ULTIMATE savings, drive with windows UP and air conditioning OFF… and if you’re driving in Texas in the summer, you’d better have a shower and a change of clothing when you get to where you’re going.

At best, however, you might squeeze a mile or so per gallon if you incorporated all of the tips you can find. Suppose you have a 20 gallon tank. That’s 20 – 40 extra miles, or about 1 to 2 gallons per tank.

Even at $3.00 per gallon gasoline, this only saves $3 to $6 per tank. When a 20 gallon tank costs $60 to fill up, it’s pretty hard to get excited about $3 to $6.

Gasoline analysts are saying higher prices are here to stay. If true, our gas squeezing efforts are necessary, but they aren’t sufficient to counter the drag on our income. No matter how you squeeze it, we’ve got to come up with more money.

Here’s my tip…

70% of credit card holders carry a balance averaging over $3,000. At 18% APR, that’s $540/year in interest or $45/month.

The average 45 to 54 year old has just $2,600 in savings. For the sake of easy math, let’s call this $3,000, which MIGHT be earning 3%, or $7.50/month — before taxes.

Take the $3,000 out of the bank and give it to the credit card company, completely paying off this 18% debt.

The result…

You now have $45 more per month — tax free — to buy gas. This is an extra 15 gallons of gas a month — every month!

And, if you’re worried that paying off this debt will leave you with “no savings,” if you’re really honest, your $3,000 savings is an illusion… as long as you have $3,000 of debt.

Worse… this debt drains your wealth of $45 each month.

Greg Moore is the Architect of the Debt Freedom System,
“DebtIntoWealth — Lessons from My Journey to Debt Freedom.”

Free Lesson #1 – Debt Freedom Course

Pay off all of your debt in 5-7 years using the money you already make. Find out why financial guru and best-selling author, Suze Orman, is advising her millions of followers to “Pay Everything Off as Fast As Possible!”

Frugal Gardening

Check the thrift shop or your kitchen drawer for a worn but sturdy paring knife. Make sure it has a handle that fits over an extension of the metal blade (the “tang”) and is riveted into place. Use it to slice off weeds with fleshy roots, such as dock, below ground level.

This idea comes from The Frugal Gardener by Catriona Tudor Erler.

Frugal Reading

Free Book Sharing Service provides an innovative, free book sharing service. Designed for avid readers who prefer to save money, the website provides members with the most convenient way to share books with each other.

Since members contribute books from their own library and mail them directly to each other, members pay only the cost of packaging and mailing – less than $2.00 per book! FrugalReader helps avid readers everywhere enjoy the satisfaction and convenience of reading the books they want at the lowest possible cost.

Deodorize While You Kill Bacteria and Viruses

Get the anti-microbial properties of essential plant oils so you can kill germs without bleach and toxic cleaning products. The plug-in AromaBall makes it quick and easy.
AromaBall for Deodorizer and Anti-Microbial Home Defense

Frugal Pets

Herbal Heartworm Program and Prevention

Robin Sockness works with pet owners with an individualized program and has currently worked with over 700 dogs. Herbs are safer and less expensive so it’s a win-win situation for all. Prevention programs available.
Herbal Heartworm Program & Prevention

Pet Information, Links and Natural Foods

Healthy Pet Corner provides lots of information and links for dogs, cats, birds, horses, rabbits, and reptiles.
Healthy Pet Corner

Frugal Tips From Our Subscribers

Keeping Ladybugs Out of the House

This follow-up tip on our ladybug topic was sent to us by Helen Wolkonowski:

“Another natural alternative to lady bug infestation is to crush bay leaves around windows, doors, cracks. They hate the smell. We get infested every year and I crush the bay leaves around and it keeps them at “bay” :)

Frugal Entertainment

College Entertainment

Let’s face it, sure everyone goes to college to get an education but they also go looking to have some fun. For most, it’s their first experience away from home and being on their own. However having fun comes with costs and most college students are on a tight budget. Here are some ways to have fun for less!

Most of these activities are free or very cheap:

• Campus music or dance recitals
• College theater productions
• Guest speakers
• Poetry readings

For great suggestions just go here

Frugal Learning

Singing Success At-Home Study Course

The Singing Success Vocal Training Program, by celebrity vocal coach Brett Manning, is the only vocal training program that guarantees a full octave increase in your vocal range! You’ll learn to sing as easily as you speak, completely eliminating vocal strain, and you will learn to master the techniques of vocal style, including runs, licks and trills. Money-back Guarantee:

What’s Going On In The Forum

Maybe you can help these folks out with a few suggestions? Or post some of your own questions. Log-in to Post Here’s the link:

Questions Needing Answers At The Forum

Cooking Forum

Hi everyone!  I’m new here! Just wondered if anyone had a recipe for kitty treats. I have several for home made dog biscuits but wanted to try something for cats.  Thanks   Mari

Home Based Business Ideas

Nature’s Sunshine Products – Herbs and Supplements

Earn an income selling over 500 natural health products, beverages, essential oils, skin care systems, water filters, and more. Websites for $11.95/month.
Nature’s Sunshine Products

Home Spa Party Plan – Make Bath and Body Products

Have you noticed how popular bath and pampering products have become? The HomeSpa Party Plan taps into that craze. Guests at HomeSpa parties learn how to make bath salts, personalized perfumes, body spritzers and more using essential oils, while you make a nice income.
Home Spa Party

Flint River Ranch – Oven Baked Pet Foods

Make additional income providing healthy pet foods and bones to friends, neighbors and family. Pets keep eating, so customers keep buying. If you love animals, this is a very rewarding home-based business. With only $100.00 volume a month you earn 19% on all sales.
Flint River Ranch

Life’s Abundance Foods and Supplements

Formulated by Dr. Jane Bicks and Dr. Barry Sears who developed the Zone Diet for Overweight Dogs. Besides dog, cat and horse products, they have a non-toxic line of cleaning products – safe for pets and children. Websites available for $8.50/month.
Life’s Abundance


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Copyright, Legal Disclaimer and Reprint Information

© 2005 Randal J. Watkins

Information in The Frugal Life News (TFL) has been derived from sources believed accurate and reliable. In no event shall *The Frugal Life,* Randal Watkins, or the TFL staff be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of information herein.

TFL does not knowingly accept ads from advertisers deemed detrimental to TFL’s readers, however, publication of an ad in TFL does not constitute an endorsement for such product or service.

There is no remuneration for suggestions, tips, or ideas submitted by readers. All suggestions, tips, and ideas, submitted for publication in The Frugal Life, become the property of The Frugal Life, notwithstanding similar rights of the reader submitting such suggestions, tips, or ideas. TFL publishes readers’ names with their suggestions, tips, and ideas unless a reader requests otherwise at the time of the submission.

Forwarding and Use of This Newsletter

You may forward or use this copyrighted newsletter on a website if you include the following credit:

Editor, Randal J. Watkins, of, provides this free
newsletter to subscribers. The Frugal Life is sponsored by
which provides quality Nature’s Sunshine Products at wholesale prices. Visit
now to shop or view the list of free newsletters available.
The Herbs Place

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